Wind This item is not available because no wind data for this city were downloaded. Wind Shows the current wind speed and direction. Double-click to access the preferences. Time This item is not available because no data for this city were downloaded. Time Shows the time of the current observations. Conditions This item is not available because no conditions data for this city were downloaded. Conditions Shows the current conditions. Double-click to show the local forecast, if available. Humidity This item is not available because no relative humidity data for this city were downloaded. Humidity Shows the current relative humidity. Double-click to access the city preferences. Wind This item is not available because no wind data for this city were downloaded. Wind Shows the current wind speed and direction. The black bar points in the direction from which the wind is blowing. Double-click to access the preferences. Barometer This item is not available because no barometric pressure data for this city were downloaded. Barometer Shows the current barometric pressure. Double-click to access the preferences. Thermometer This item is not available because no temperature data for this city were downloaded. Thermometer Shows the current temperature. Double-click to access the preferences. Time This item is not available because no data for this city were downloaded. Time Click this to switch between showing the time of the current observations and the time of the last download.